Nutrition and Health
Finding Your Motivation
Finding the Motivation to get Healthy and Maintain it can feel like an uphill battle
Think Long Term Goals 💪
Over Short Term Benefits
Making a lifestyle change can be a daunting challenge. ​This page will provide you with Quick Tips that are peer reviewed by Dietetic and Physiology Professionals
Think of Change as an Evolution of yourself rather than a quick fix.
Long term goals over short term benefits
Crash Dieting does not work sustainably. ​
If you’ve ever wondered why Crash Dieting or Fad Diets Never stick, it is because they set you up for failure. Their goal is to lose pounds in as short a time frame as possible. This triggers the body's starvation mode which slows the metabolism and holds on to calories.
Consistent Regular Exercise
Can Have Profoundly Beneficial Effects on Your Life
Make Smart Goals
A Smart Goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Time-Bound.
Before Setting a Smart Goal, it's important to Assess your current Level of Fitness.
Low Activity is less than 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. [< 2.5 hours]
Medium Activity is 150 to 300 minutes of moderate activity per week. [2.5 - 5 hours]
or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity per week
High Activity is more than 300 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. [5 hours +]
Assessing your Current Level of Fitness is Important for making Realistic and Attainable Goals.
After making a Smart Goal, write out the plan and place it where it will be seen daily.
Minimize Risk by Creating a Safe & Effective Exercise Plan
Schedule Stretching & Rest Days​
Click the Link to view the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Motivation & Eating Healthy
Eat more LED Foods (Low Energy Dense) ​
This is a Fancy Term for Fruits and Vegetables. Also, any foods in between that are low in calories. ​​
A Recent Study from the UK showed that consuming more LED foods over HED (High Energy Dense) foods led to a higher preference for those foods. Cravings for HED foods were curbed as well. ​
In Essence, this study showed sustainable weight loss by curbing the participants craving for High Calorie foods. By eating more healthfully, you will want to eat those healthy foods over unhealthy foods.​
Click the LED Button to view a Forbes Article with info. about LED
(Buckland et al., 2018) doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy041 ​
Free and Helpful Resources
to get you Motivated
MyPlate Plan
Check out this easy to use Widget!
Just click start and enter in your Biometric information like height, weight, gender and Level of Physical Fitness.
Out pops your personalized calorie goals for maintaining and or achieving a healthier weight.